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MaxLinear, Zinwell and jjPlus Announce Wireless Power & Data Solution for 4G/LTE and 5G Millimeter Wave Fixed Wireless Access CPEs

2019-01-04 MaxLinear, Zinwell and jjPlus Announce Wireless Power & Data Solution for 4G/LTE and 5G Millimeter Wave Fixed Wireless Access CPEs CARLSBAD, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–MaxLinear, Inc. (NYSE:MXL), a leading provider of radio frequency (RF), analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits for the connected home, wired and wireless infrastructure, and industrial and multimarket Read more…

提高無線充電自由度 擴增多元應用領域

2018-07-26 提高無線充電自由度 擴增多元應用領域 無線充電備受看好,多種技術競逐市場,其中又以磁感應(magnetic induction)及磁共振(magnetic resonance)蔚為無線充電兩大主流技術,兩者皆使用磁場做為傳遞電力的媒介,然而各有擅場。相較之下,磁共振擁有更大的距離與空間的自由度、穿透力更高,且能實現一對多個裝置供/充電等優點,使得應用領域更為寬廣。基於這些優點,捷佳科技主攻磁共振無線充電技術。> 請點擊進入報導全文 如需更多資訊請聯絡: or